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Happy Birthday, Minay!

Bea's grandma, Minay (mi from mommy and nay from nanay), will celebrate her  nth birthday next week.  As early as now, Bea is having a hard time thinking of a gift that can surely be loved by Minay.  As a mother, I told her that Minay will definitely love any thing that comes from her.  After endless suggestions and discussions, Bea still couldn't decide and still thought that her grandma is worth more than any of things that we have discussed.

Back to School!

By this time, we should have  already started to prepare for the coming school year 2011-2012.

In fact, during the Holy Week vacation, Bea and I had already cleared out the clutter in her cabinet. A week past, we  bought her black shoes and white P.E. shoes.  The week after that, Bea also tried to fit all her old school uniforms to know if they are still ok to be re-used. 

Enrollment Time!

Get ready, enrollment time is here once again! It is in this time of the year - scorching hot and not very receptive at that - that I would really want to make sure that everything is in order and that there will be no hassles and glitches before going to Bea's school for this coming school year's enrollment.

With this objective, I just came out with a checklist of necessary information and documents to comply with primarily.

Mother's Day Surprise!

by MWofBea's guest writer, Bea Pauline (with minimal supervision from her Mom)

created by Bea Pauline

"A mother's arms are made of tenderness and children sleep soundly in them." - Victor Hugo

It's Mother's Day on May 8!  This is your chance to show your love and affection to your sweet Mom by surprising her!